Semy Arsyl's
4 min readMar 31, 2022


Like a dark cave without light, this is what I experienced for the first time in Cryptocurrency. The good news is, you don't have to go through what I went through. There is a wise saying that before investing in an item is a wise move if you invest from the neck up. Yes, aka invest knowledge in your head first. Do not immediately jump into the market. Because usually if you jump right in, it will result in FOMO, trauma, and loss that is beyond reason. Trust me, it's HURTS!

Before going into detail tips. Cryptocurrency is a market that is still very young and has very high risk volatility. My name is Arsyl' and I am not a financial advisor. I share this article not as financial trading or investment advice. But as education to enrich the analysis material, friends. If you want to consult and dive into Crypto, I suggest looking for a Financial Advisor or people who are experts in their fields. Let's not take long..

This time I want to share tips and how I research the Cryptocurrency market. I usually do it in installments. Don't do all the research right away, except when it's really empty. So here's the tips:

Investigate the Coin in the Cryptocurrency that you want to invest in whether it is economically active enough.

So that means when you hear or see there is one Coin that looks promising. Do not immediately provoked when reading the Whitepaper. Because like any other proposal, the content will definitely claim that they are the most potential Coins! What you have to do is:

Investigate the Coin in the Cryptocurrency that you want to invest in whether it is economically active enough.

So that means when you hear or see there is one Coin that looks promising. Do not immediately provoked when reading the Whitepaper. Because like any other proposal, the content will definitely claim that they are the most potential Coins! What you have to do is:

Google to CoinMarketCap and Coinecko then check if this coin is still alive or not?

Check again in detail in the Trading Volume and Price Action sections, have there been real transactions or not?

Then check again whether he is registered with at least one Crypto Exchange.

If all the answers above can be verified. At least it indicates that the existing clue is quite significant. But if it's only registered on the DEX (like Uniswap), better hold on. Because the requirements to be able to enter the DEX do not necessarily have to be listed on the exchange.

Research and analysis

If you really want to google it, there are lots of websites that provide free sources of research tools. I will share some of them here: — here you can get the Crypto Coin Profile you want, such as its history, tokenomics, token allocation, past and future project timelines, so you can see the Coin's funding development milestone.

Binance Research — for Binance research what you can get is from the technical side of Cryptocurrencies on the market. — to be able to check the budget prepared for a Coin to develop and allocate the Coin.

FYI, the 2 websites above are more trustworthy because they are quite professional in their fields.

Watch the latest video from the Key Member Koin that you are monitoring.

From this interview, it might be very helpful for you to understand about the Coin or answer various technical elements that you don't understand when reading. The benefits of listening to Key Members also help you to analyze whether the coin is good or just for pump and dump.

Look for the Coin's Youtube Channel.

It means that you try to search the Youtube Channel created by the Coin, not by an influencer. And also not a channel about the coin news, huh. If you find it, you can get important explanations about the coin.

Fact Check

Investigate the coins via:

Bitcoin Explorer (

Etherscan ( — Especially for ERC-20 coins

Coin rich list (

Well, if there are no coins above. Get ready for the Red Flag for the coins you're looking for.

Other Research Materials.

Not all roadmaps in Cryptocurrency are clearly described. But some provide quite clear (Example: Cardano). In fact, it is possible that there may be no roadmap at all.

It is important to see the progress of the Cryptocurrency. If you're having a hard time finding it, try looking on the Medium GitHub page. After checking and checking there, then you can decide whether this coin is worth investing or not.

Recent News
You can check the news on these coins at Coin Telegraph, Coin Desk, Decrypt. If the publication is rare, it's suspicious. it okay to be research materials before getting into Cryptocurrency? So please today, be a smart trader or investor. Greedy (with knowledge) is okay, but stupid, don't. Just as investment takes time, research takes time. Hopefully with this article tips can help as one of the keys to success, friends.

